Hi there, I am an avid of music fan especially rock music and many iconic punk and hardcore bands like Sex Pistols, The Clash, Teen Idles, Minor Threat, Black Flag and Fugazi keep make me idolize them so much.
However, the style of drugs, rock n' roll and sex just annoyin' me and it same during the 1970's hippie period. For me, that style is just self-destructive. Why would they do that? The term they used is "recreational"..(it's all bollocks!!)
In many rock gigs I attended,a friend of mine would offered me a cigarette, but I politely decline it because I am not a cigarette smoker.(although I used to be).Everytime also when a friend of mine, invited me for a drinking session (alcohol), I had to politely reject it and it goes same with the drugs too. I'm just into music not that "things".
Soon I discover, a new way of lifestyle (or some say a movement) that suit my life without having to dealing with these "chemicals" and it call "Straight edge". Well, wut is actually Straight edge.
According to Sam McPheeters, Dave Stein, Jason O'Toole, and Brian Baker who wrote a book entitled "The Straight Edge Movement", straight edge is a more philosophical offshoot of the punk movement, a reaction to the hedonism and self-destruction that characterised punk. The basic tenet of the philosophy centres around the issue of
self-control. The goal is to regain as much personal control over your own life as possible. Straight edge is the only youth counter-culture to actively discourage drug use, alcohol use, and casual sex.
Those straight edgers known with the sign of xXx or sXe which actually started as the marker for minors on their hands so they couldn't buy alcohol when they are in pub or club.
Many hardcore/punk band especially in Washington USA like Teen Idles, Minor Threat Fugazi, Earth Crisis, Youth of Today and many more has developed "stay punk, stay clean" ethos. According to legend, the drummer for Minor Threat [Jeff Nelson], Ian Mackaye (Minor Threat's vocalist) had commented to his bandmates that the ruler's straight edge was a metaphor for their lifestyle and this can be found in their song "Straight Edge"(1981)
I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and fuck my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white shit up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don't even think about speed
That's something I just don't need
I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and smoke dope
'Cause I know I can cope
Laugh at the thought of eating ludes
Laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
Always gonna keep in touch
Never want to use a crutch
Although the song only bang out loud for 46 second only, the messages is clear. Ian Mackaye also eschewed the nihilistic tendencies of punk rock, promoting instead the simple and almost simplistic philosophy of "don't drink/don't smoke/ don't fuck."
Out of Step (with the world)
Don't smoke
Don't drink
Don't fuck
At least I can fucking think
I can't keep up
Can't keep up
Can't keep up
Out of step with the world - End
During interview with Touch & Go zine, Minor Threat's Ian Mackaye and Lyle Presslar(guitarist) stated Straight edge to them is someone who is alert enough to benefit from what he or she is doing...
"Lyle: the drug and alcohol is only one side of it anyway, it's a lot more than that, there are other things that can sidetrack you...
"Ian: That's what
"don't Fuck" means... a lot of people think that to be straight edge you can't drink, smoke, or have sex and that's silly... what the don't fuck thing is that the whole getting laid and getting head thing "Lyle: living for sex
following your penis around is fucking people up more than anything"
In my opinion, this is healthy and it so simple way of life. Although some of my mate said that I am an old-fashion and conservative with this kind of attitude but I like it and although this thought has nothing to do with religion but I'm pretty sure it suit with my religion too. I am a gig-goer, the adaptation of the straight edge didn't deter my likeness towards music especially rock music. I can still head banging or pogo or floor-punching or moshing from the stage as long I didn't being controlled by the "stuffs" - alcohol, drugs or tobacco.
These simple beliefs have transformed the minds of scores of teens worldwide. Increasingly disenchanted with societal ills, young men and women adopt the straight-edge doctrine as a blueprint to better first themselves, and then the world in which they live. While the original definition of straight-edge only included the rejection of mind altering substances and promiscuous sex, modern interpretations include a vegetarian or vegan diet and an increasing involvement and awareness of
environmental and political issues.
Although in Malaysia, the straight edge is not even a movement and rarely be known to the public but this way of life can be an idealistic way of life to kids that only wanted to have fun with music BUT not alcohol, drugs or tobacco. There are many notable artiste who had indulged this way of life like Ted Nugent, Chris Martins(Coldplay), Daniel Kessler (Interpol) and many more.
There are a lot of thing to do rather being "control" so wanna more about staright edge - Read
Remember - We don't need that "SHIT" to have fun coz the "SHIT" ain't worth enough for your precious life. IF THE KIDS ARE UNITED, THEN WE'LL NEVER BE DIVIDED..
xXx Cheers sXe.